PO | Description |
PO1 | Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: |
PO2 | Problem analysis |
PO3 | Design/ development of solutions |
PO4 | Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing |
PO5 | Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment |
PO6 | Project Management |
PO7 | Life-long learning |
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1: : : Identify the problems in the electrical engineering field and solve by applying knowledge of basic science, mathematics and electrical engineering fundamentals.
PSO2:Apply leadership skills, various standards and safety practices in electrical engineering work culture.
Course Name | Name of Subject | Semester |
AMS | Basic Mathematics | First |
ENG | English | First |
BSC | Basic Science | First |
AME | Applied Mathematics | Second |
BME | Basic Mechanical Engineering | Second |
EOE | Elements Of Electronics Engineering | Second |
FEE | Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | Second |
EPG | Electric Power Generation | Third |
ECI | Electrical Circuits | Third |
EEM | Electrical And Electronic Measurement | Third |
EPE | Fundamentals of Power Electronics | Third |
EMW | Electrical Materials And Wiring Practice | Third |
DEM | Digital Electronic And Microcontroller Application | Fourth |
EPT | Electrical Power Transmission And Distribution | Fourth |
CNE | Electric Motors And Transformers | Fourth |
IME | Industrial Measurements | Fourth |
EST | Environmental Studies | Fourth |
ECA | Energy Conservation And Audit | Fifth |
MAN | Management | Fifth |
IAM | Industrial AC Machines | Fifth |
SAP | Switchgear And Protection | Fifth |
CPP | Capstone Project Execution | Fifth |
ESP | Electric Substation Practices | Sixth |
EEC | Electrical Estimation And Costing | Sixth |
UEE | Utilization of Electrical Energy | Sixth |
ETE | Emerging Trends | Sixth |