Navsahyadri Education Society's GROUP OF INSTITUTE POLYTECHNIC
PO Description
PO1 Basic and Discipline specific knowledge:
PO2 Problem analysis
PO3 Design/ development of solutions
PO4 Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing
PO5 Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment
PO6 Project Management
PO7 Life-long learning


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: : : Identify the problems in the electrical engineering field and solve by applying knowledge of basic science, mathematics and electrical engineering fundamentals.

PSO2:Apply leadership skills, various standards and safety practices in electrical engineering work culture.

Course Outcome Statement

Course Name Name of Subject Semester
AMS Basic Mathematics First
ENG English First
BSC Basic Science First
AME Applied Mathematics Second
BME Basic Mechanical Engineering Second
EOE Elements Of Electronics Engineering Second
FEE Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Second
EPG Electric Power Generation Third
ECI Electrical Circuits Third
EEM Electrical And Electronic Measurement Third
EPE Fundamentals of Power Electronics Third
EMW Electrical Materials And Wiring Practice Third
DEM Digital Electronic And Microcontroller Application Fourth
EPT Electrical Power Transmission And Distribution Fourth
CNE Electric Motors And Transformers Fourth
IME Industrial Measurements Fourth
EST Environmental Studies Fourth
ECA Energy Conservation And Audit Fifth
MAN Management Fifth
IAM Industrial AC Machines Fifth
SAP Switchgear And Protection Fifth
CPP Capstone Project Execution Fifth
ESP Electric Substation Practices Sixth
EEC Electrical Estimation And Costing Sixth
UEE Utilization of Electrical Energy Sixth
ETE Emerging Trends Sixth