"Shaping the vision of the students" The library & information Center has one of the finest collections. Situated in an easily accessible place, it covers 150 sq. ft. and occupies two sections of the references/lending section.
- Mission
Initiate, enhance and improve the library service. To support the instructional information research and curriculum needs to the staff through effective and up to date collection development. To save the time of the user by making easy reference service.
- Collection
The Library has acquired a valuable collection of more than 7314 books.
- Library Details
- Facility and Service
The library can accommodate about 150 users at a time. Separate sections are provided for diploma & degree in Polytechnic students.
- Home Issue
The students get 02 (Two Book) book for a period of 07 Days.
- Internet Facility
The computerized information networking system has been a powerful tool for experimental and technical research. Library has a server and 5 nodes available in LAN. Three (10) PC's are exclusively for Internet and CDROM reference.
- Newspaper Clipping
The latest new in Polytechnic field will be Xeroxed and displayed on the notice board for update.
- Book Bank Facility
Library has provided Book Bank facilities.
- National digital membership Facility
Library has provided National Digital membership facilities.
- Library Timing:
- Working hours: Monday to Friday 08.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Circulation Timing : 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Internet availability : 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Reading hall availability: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Total area | 4000 Sq. Mt. | |
No. of Books Titles | Computer:280, Civil:280, Electrical:288, IT:38, Mechanical:326 |
No. of Books Volumes | Computer:3061, Civil:1397 Electrical:1505, IT:130, Mechanical:1248 |
No. of Journals Printed | National =03 International = 12 Total = 15 | No. of e -Journals Total = 05 |